Pot linings

The process of electrolysis produces considerable heat within the pots, which have been lined with heat-resistant stones. The bottoms of the pots also contain carbon cathodes that lead electricity from the pot. Pot linings must be replaced at regular intervals. Most of the old lining is disposed of in a landfill at seashore.

A license allows for the disposal of certain waste materials that cannot be recycled or reused, e.g., pot linings, slag dust and coal dust. An embankment protects the landfill from sea waves, but at high tide, the waste at the bottom is washed over with. Shell sand is mixed in with the disposed materials, and shell sand and soil cover the landfills when they are no longer used. The landfills are also covered with turf. All materials stored in the pits are recorded and possible environmental impact is monitored. Research has shown that the environmental impact of the landfills is negligible

Rio Tinto Iceland Ltd. Straumsvik - P.O. BOX 244 - 222 Hafnarfjordur - T: +354 560 7000 - F: +354 560 7070 - isal@riotinto.com